This book discusses French parenting practices from birth to education. The French culture seems to offer the best medical care (with the lowest morbidity ratings), babies commonly sleeping at two months, and children who can calmly eat veggies at restaurants.
This is one woman's observations while living in France.
Available in paperback, hardcover, and audio. Our buyers rate this book 5 stars for being an easy read/listen overall and 5 stars for narration.
“Marvelous . . . Like Julia Child, who translated the secrets of French cuisine, Druckerman has investigated and distilled the essentials of French child-rearing. . . . Druckerman provides fascinating details about French sleep training, feeding schedules and family rituals. But her book's real pleasures spring from her funny, self-deprecating stories. Like the principles she examines, Druckerman isn't doctrinaire.” —NPR
“Bringing Up Bébéis a must-read for parents who would like their children to eat more than white pasta and chicken fingers.”
— Fox News
“On questions of how to live, the French never disappoint. . . . Maybe it all starts with childhood. That is the conclusion that readers may draw fromBringing Up Bébé.”
— The Wall Street Journal
“French women don't have little bags of emergency Cheerios spilling all over their Louis Vuitton handbags. They also, Druckerman notes, wear skinny jeans instead of sweatpants.The world arguably needs more kids who don't throw food.”
— Chicago Tribune
“I’ve been a parent now for more than eight years, and—confession—I’ve never actually made it all the way through a parenting book. But I found Bringing Up Bébéto be irresistible."